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Activity Walkers

Encourage safe walking with adjustable activity walkers. Engaging toys & music included!

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12 products

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  1. TenderLeaf

    Sunshine Baby Activity Walker


  2. Janod

    Multi-Activity Trolley


  3. Bigjigs Toys

    Activity Walker


  4. Kinderfeets

    Cargo Walker


  5. BRIO World

    Toddler Wobbler Wagon


  6. Vilac

    3-in-1 Push Along Trolley


Activity walkers provide a safe and secure way for them to learn how to walk. These products feature adjustable height settings and are designed to help tots safely explore their environment and develop motor skills. Activity walkers come with a variety of features such as toys, music, and more, to help keep babies and toddlers engaged. They help promote independence and help babies and toddlers learn how to navigate the world around them. Shop activity walkers in Canada with free shipping over $99*.

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