5 Tips to Improve Sleep for the Whole Family

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Now is the perfect time to make a deeper commitment to setting goals and living a healthier lifestyle.

At Good Night Sleep Site, we are always pleased to see that getting more sleep and getting better sleep is often a top priority for families. Whether the commitment to healthy sleep stems from your own needs or the needs of your children, know that there is plenty you can do to support healthy sleep habits for the whole family.
Ready to feel more rested?

1. Make a Set of Family Sleep Rules

When you take the time to write down your goals, you will have a much higher chance of achieving them! In addition, getting the whole family involved in the changes you want to make will enable a smoother adoption process. Start by calling a family meeting and then outline appropriate bedtimes for all family members as well as boundaries you consider important, such as everyone sleeping in their own beds or setting specific wake times. Write out all the rules for your family sleep contract and have everyone sign it. The document will serve as a great tool when things go a little off track.

2. Just Dock It

You have most likely heard that you should refrain from using screen time one hour before bedtime.  Yes, that means parents too! The best way to start implementing this rule is to get all technology out of the bedroom and create a tech docking station in a common area. Another easy tip is to go and buy an alarm clock so that there is no need to have your phone in your bedroom. We also suggest ditching your e-reader and sticking with old-fashioned paper books. Even the light from small electronic devices can miscue the brain and promote wakefulness, making it much harder to fall asleep.

3. Bring Back Bedtime

Bedtime is the foundation of a solid night of sleep for you and your child. We tend to overlook how important quality time is and bedtime is the perfect opportunity to slow down. Disconnect from distractions and spend time connecting with your family. Bedtime can be a time to bond and build attachment with your child and your partner. When your child has time to make positive connections at bedtime, they will fall asleep with fewer battles and have fewer nightly wake-ups. Make it a priority to follow a relaxing bedtime routine so that everyone has time to wind down.

4. Complete a Bedroom Audit

Does your bedroom feel cluttered? Does the light stream into your child’s room in the morning and have an impact on their wake time? The New Year is a great time for a bedroom audit. Make sure that each room is clutter free, dark, and quiet and that everyone has the tools they need to sleep well. A white noise machine, a toddler clock, or a new mattress are all things that can be added to a sleep environment and will help facilitate healthy sleep.


5. Ask For Help

When someone in the family is not sleeping well, it can have a negative impact on the whole family. If you feel like you’ve tried everything you can on your own to no avail, it might be time to reach out and ask for help.

Final Thoughts

Good Night Sleep Site offers sleep support for babies right through to adults and we’d be happy to support your family on your journey towards better sleep. Once you start sleeping better, you will notice so many positives in other areas of your life such as a stronger immune system, better mental clarity, and the ability to maintain a healthier diet. Make this the year you prioritize sleep and commit to better sleep habits!