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Top 10 Baby Bonding Tips for New Dads

Melissa Sulley | | Comments 0

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Congratulations on becoming a dad! As you embark on this incredible journey, you may wonder how to build a lasting bond with your new little one. With fathers taking on more active parenting roles, finding time for meaningful engagement is crucial, especially as many dads juggle work and family life. 

Research highlights that early bonding is vital for your baby's emotional and social development, laying the groundwork for a lifelong relationship. Whether you're a stay-at-home dad or managing a busy career, we've compiled the top 10 ways to bond with your baby — ensuring you make the most of your time together and create lasting memories. 

Let's dive in and explore these practical, fun, and sometimes messy ways to strengthen your bond with your baby! 


  1. Get Cozy with Skin-to-Skin

Skin-to-skin time is like a superpower for bonding. Just strip down to your shorts, place your baby on your chest, and chill for 15-20 minutes. It's like a warm hug for your baby's whole system — helps with body temperature, heartbeat, breathing, you name it. 

Try to sneak in some skin-to-skin time every day. After bath time or before bed works great. It's not just good for the baby — it'll make you feel like a total rockstar dad. Plus, it's a perfect excuse to binge-watch your favourite show while your little one snoozes on your chest. 

  1. Rock the Baby Carrier

Wearing your baby is a game-changer for bonding. It keeps them content, supports their development, and deepens your connection through physical closeness. It’s also like having an extra set of hands, but cooler. Use it when your little one's fussy, while you're doing chores, or when you're out and about. Just remember to give them (and your back) a break now and then. 

Pick a carrier that feels comfy for both of you. It could be a wrap, sling, or a structured carrier. Just make sure your baby's high up on your chest and close enough to kiss the top of their head. For more babywearing tips check out our other Learning Centre Articles Wearing Your Baby: Wraps & Ring Slings and Wearing Your Baby: Soft Structured Carriers.

  1. Be a Feeding Time Hero

Feeding time is prime bonding time, whether you're on bottle or boob duty. If your partner's breastfeeding, be her backup dancer. Bring her the baby for night feeds, be the burping king, or just hang out and keep her company. 

If you're bottle-feeding, jump in there! Learn the tricks of the trade, like paced feeding. Make it a chill time — dim the lights, make eye contact, maybe sing a little tune (no judgement on your singing voice here). Your baby will start to see you as the comfort and food guy — pretty important stuff in their world! 

  1. Own the Diaper Change

Diaper duty might not seem glamorous, but it's a goldmine for bonding. Turn it into a fun time — chat with your baby about your day, bust out some nursery rhymes, or play a quick game of peek-a-boo. It's also a great time for a mini massage or body check. 

Regular diaper changes are like mini-dates with your baby. They learn that you're the guy who keeps them comfy and clean. Set up a changing station that has everything you need. And hey, even if it gets messy (it will), keep it positive. Your little one will pick up on your vibe.

  1. Create a Bedtime Vibe

Bedtime routines are like magic for babies (and tired parents). Come up with a nightly playlist — maybe a warm bath, a little massage, story-time, a lullaby, final feed, and diaper change. Stick to the same order each night, and try to start around the same time. 

This routine will help your baby wind down and give you some quality one-on-one time. Keep it short and sweet — about 20-30 minutes is perfect. Don't stress if it doesn't go perfectly every night. The goal is to create a chill vibe that says "sleep time is coming, and Dad's got this."

  1. Level Up Your Playtime

Playtime is where it's at for bonding and helping your little one grow. For newborns, it's all about eye contact, gentle touches, and your voice. As they get older, mix it up with songs, books, peek-a-boo, and toys. Follow their lead — if they're into something, roll with it. 

Talk about what you're doing, make funny faces, use different voices — babies eat that stuff up. Keep the play sessions short, especially for the little ones. They can get overwhelmed pretty quick. Remember, you're the ultimate toy for your baby. No fancy gadget can beat Dad's silly faces and tickles.

  1. Be All in When You're There

In our world of constant notifications, being fully present is like a superpower. When you're with your baby, try to really be there. Put the phone away, make eye contact, respond to their little noises and expressions. Narrate what's going on, even if it's just making a sandwich. 

Your full attention helps your baby feel secure and boosts their development. Try setting aside some phone-free baby time each day. Don't worry about making every moment Instagram-worthy. Just being there, fully engaged, is what counts.

  1. Take the Night Shift Sometimes

Sharing the night shift is a great way to score some quiet bonding time (and major points with your partner). Take turns getting up for night wakings, change those midnight diapers, or do some night feeds if you're bottle-feeding. Even just settling the baby back to sleep after a feed is huge. 

Night duty gives you some special one-on-one time and helps you get to know your baby's sleep patterns. Plus, it gives your partner a much-needed break. Work out a system that works for both of you. Keep things calm and quiet during night wakings. Don't forget to catch up on your own sleep when you can!

  1. Snap Those Moments

Becoming a dad is a wild ride, so make sure to capture some memories along the way. Take photos, shoot some videos, maybe even start a dad blog or journal. Don't just go for the big milestones — sometimes it's the everyday stuff that's the most special. 

Documenting your journey helps you notice all the little awesome moments that might otherwise slip by. It's also great to share with family and friends (if you want to). Just don't get so caught up in capturing the moment that you forget to live it. The best memories are often the ones that aren't perfectly posed.

  1. Cut Yourself Some Slack

Becoming a dad is a huge learning curve. It takes time to find your groove, so be patient with yourself. Celebrate the small wins, like successfully clipping those tiny fingernails or getting through a diaper change without getting peed on. 

Don't compare your journey to other dads or what you see on social media. Everyone's figuring it out as they go. Take care of yourself, talk to other dads, and be open with your partner about how you're feeling. Remember, you don't have to be perfect to be an awesome dad. Your baby thinks you're pretty great just the way you are.

Final Thoughts

The journey of fatherhood is a unique and rewarding adventure. By prioritizing meaningful interactions — whether through skin-to-skin contact, playful engagement, or simple everyday tasks like diaper changes — you create an environment where your bond can flourish. The tips outlined in this article provide practical ways to connect and communicate, ensuring you’re not just present but fully engaged in your child’s early life. 

As you navigate this new role, remember to be patient with yourself. Every moment you spend together, no matter how small, contributes to the emotional foundation your child will carry into the future. Embrace the messiness, the joy, and the love that comes with being a dad. By taking these steps, you’re not just nurturing your baby’s development — you’re building a lasting connection that will enrich both your lives for years to come.

Enjoy the ride!

Melissa Sulley

Pregnancy & Infant Loss Coach

Melissa Sulley is an accredited Pregnancy + Infant Loss Grief Coach with a Bachelor of Psychology and Education from Western University. She is the mother of three children earth-side and seven children waiting for her in the stars. 

Her personal experiences with pregnancy, parenting, and loss have fuelled her passion to empower families through parenthood and grief. She has chronicled her journey on her blog and built an online coaching business to support others through loss. 

Aside from her work, you can often find Melissa sipping margaritas with her single mom friends, café hopping, laughing at ridiculous memes, or curled up with a good book on the couch.  

More about Melissa Sulley