5 Things to Do Before Baby Comes
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It may feel like you just shared your pregnancy news with friends and family – and then *snap* you are now in the 3rd trimester.
You’ve heard of nesting, right? It’s a can’t help but want to organize everything pre-labour instinct that many mom’s experience in the weeks before baby is due. Where does this burst of energy come from? We don’t really know – but, along with washing and folding all of that itty-bitty-cutesie baby laundry, be sure to add these 5 things to your “to-do” list, because baby will be here before you know it.
Pack Your Hospital Bag
Whether you’re a first-time parent, or this is your second [or third] time around the baby block, having your hospital bag packed is an important part of the process. This is about to be the most exciting [or should we say eventful?] sleepover you’ll ever have – so chances are you’ve packed and unpacked your bag a few times already.
So, what items deserve prime real-estate in the bag? We've got you covered! We have a few great articles that share everything we recommend you pack for yourself and for baby – check it out HERE. We often recommend bringing your breast pump with you to the hospital so don’t forget, you will need to sterilize your breast pump before the first use. Take those few weeks before baby comes to ensure you’ve got yours all cleaned and ready to go!
Pro tip: don’t forget to pack your car seat manual
^^ more on that below.
Read Your Manuals!
We can’t stress this one enough.
Have you ever had a friend show you a feature on your phone or in your vehicle that you didn’t know existed? Chance are they’ve read the manual. Baby gear is quite sophisticated these days, so make sure you are aware of, and taking full advantage of, all the safety and convenience features.
- How do you fold your stroller?
- What does that button do again?
- How do you know when to remove the infant insert of your car seat?
- Which position should the carry handle be in for transportation?
There is a lot on your mind as a new parent, so we suggest reading your manual. We even suggest highlighting the important parts in your car seat manual, and packing it in your hospital bag for quick reference if you need it. We always do our best to showcase all the features and benefits of the gear we carry – but reading the manual always helps you to discover new features and benefits.
And, while you're at it, check out our article on How to Install Your Nanit Baby Monitor where we're helping you set up your nursery – bring on the #nesting!
Speaking of reading your car seat manual...
Install Your Car Seat
If there is ONE thing you do—this, is it!
Our Store Advisors have helped more parents than you can imagine with choosing a car seat at the very last second. Yup, a parent or 2 have popped into one of our stores enroute to the hospital, needing to buy and install a car seat on the spot while their partner is waiting in the car.
We recommend doing your car seat research early [check out our Top Infant Car Seats article] and making sure you have your car seat properly installed and ready for that special car ride home. Anytime between 35-37 weeks (about 8 and a half months) is an ideal time to install the base, and even begin practicing putting a fake doll or stuffy inside to sure you feel confident doing it with the real thing.
Looking for more great car seat advice? Check out Episode 6 – Protecting Your Precious Cargo of our 40 Weeks to Forever Podcast.
Set Up Your Nursery
Designing a beautiful nursery has probably been something you’ve envisioned from the start. You’ve chosen a crib, and you've picked out a glider, but don’t forget to test and install your baby monitor!
We love the sleek look of the Nanit Pro baby monitor, but it’s become a top seller for its features like crystal-clear HD video, birds' eye-view over baby’s crib, and easy installation. It goes without saying but be sure to download the Nanit app so that you can easily monitor baby’s breathing and receive sound and motion alerts once your little one is here. We recommend adding the Nanit Multi-Stand Mount to your registry so that you can begin using your monitor while baby is sleeping in a bassinet beside your bed. This accessory allows you to easily move your smart monitor from the master bedroom to baby’s nursery during the day for longer crib naps.
Still in the baby monitor research phase? We share everything you need to know about the Top Baby Monitors HERE – and the Nanit's our top pick! We've also done a full review on the Nanit Pro Complete which you can find here.
Last but not least, when it comes to preparing the nursery, be sure to have your diaper pail loaded with a fresh liner, and ensure your sound machine has a location close enough to an outlet to be plugged in.
Download Appropriate Apps
It’s not just your smart Baby Monitor that has a helpful and convenient app. There are so many “smart” items on the market – and some products have apps that you may not even know about or the ability to connect wirelessly through Bluetooth.
We already mentioned your breast pump, but did you know that Medela even offers an app called “Medela 24/7” that records your pumping sessions, and even gives you access to lactation consultants via video chat around the clock? Here are just a handful of items that have a handy app that will need to be downloaded to really take advantage of the features from Sensor Safe technology found in select Cybex Car Seats to controlling your 4moms mamaRoo Multi-Motion Swing and Bassinet from the bathroom [we’ve all been there].
And, while you are in the app store – go ahead and find that contraction measuring app NOW so you don’t have to search for it once those contractions are coming on hot and heavy.
Let the Nesting Begin!
Well, it seems like your “to-do” list is growing at the same rate as your belly!
Don't forget to register your gear to take advantage of the manufacturer's warranty and the amazing customer service offered by so many of the brands we carry – UPPAbaby we are looking at you! Last but not least, don’t forget to close out your registry—but you’ve got 90 days from your due date to take care of that! Are you feeling overwhelmed? Don’t be—we're here to help, and we know you’ve got this.