Adjusting to Daylight Savings with Babies
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This weekend we change our clocks. The fall time change is a little easier on us as moving our clocks back gives us an extra hour of sleep, but as any parent of young kids will tell you — it’s not always that easy.
How to Adjust to Daylight Savings
If your child is more sensitive to these time shifts it’s best to take the gradual approach.
You can do what we do at the Good Night house… Two times a year when the clocks shift, we just hold on tight and adjust to the new times. It’s the easiest route to take and if you think that your child can manage just switching to the new times it may be the best route for you to take for your family too. You may have a fussy little one for a few days, maybe up to a week, but they will adapt provided you remain consistent.
Helpful Tips
ALL BEDROOMS SHOULD BE SET UP FOR SLEEP SUCCESSPromote a cool, dark, and quiet environment for both you and your children. Install blackout blinds, and/or use a white noise machine to help set up great sleep conditions. Doing so will aid in proper restorative sleep for you and your family. Parents don’t forget about you!
Don't Stress
The shift in this new schedule normally takes a week or two for our kids to adapt to. Remember these two words: persistence and consistency! You will get through this.
For more helpful sleep advice be sure to check out our Learning Centre.