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Baby Brezza Formula Pro Advanced Wi-Fi Review

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Whether you breastfeed or bottle feed (or a combination of both) your little one is a personal choice for every family. For some, breastfeeding is the way to go. For others, the flexibility of formula and bottle feeding is a great option.

For those of you who have ultimately gone the bottlefeeding/formula route, this article is for you.

We live in a world with rapidly advancing technology that is designed to make every part of everyday life easier. In the realm of baby feeding, Baby Brezza is here to take your little one's mealtimes into the 21st century.

At the intersection of high-tech and easy-to-use, you’ll find Baby Brezza’s products, which streamline baby feeding processes. The brand offers products like bottle sanitizers, food processors, and our personal favourite, bottle makers.  

Image it’s 3 a.m. and your baby is crying. Time to get up for a mid-night feeding. Which do you attend to first: your crying child or the making of a bottle to soothe them? After all, that bottle can’t mix and heat itself…or can it?

With the Baby Brezza Formula Pro Advanced Wi-Fi, your baby bottles can make themselves in a matter of seconds, even while you’re still in bed. No seriously, let us explain!

The Formula Brewing Machine 

While the resemblance of the Formula Pro Advanced Wi-Fi to a modern-day coffee maker is uncanny, the only thing this machine is brewing is the perfect bottle for your baby. 

The machine comes fully assembled out of the box, so you can see where all the pieces go before disassembling and hand washing before use. Fully-equipped with a separate water and formula tank, this machine has all the fixings to guarantee you an easy bottle brewing experience.  

To begin using the machine, you start with filling the water tank then fill the formula tank with the formula of your choice. There are markers on both tanks indicating the maximum amount of each to put in their respective tanks. Once both are filled, you can use the six clearly labelled buttons between the central LED screen on the front of the machine to begin.  

First, you will have to calibrate the powder setting on the machine to match your specific formula. You can scan the barcode of your formula using the free Baby Brezza app or use the Baby Brezza website to figure out which number powder setting your machine should be set to. The assigned number of the powder setting allows the machine to automatically program the exact ratio of formula to water needed to mix the right perfectly.  

Then, you choose between three temperature options:

  • Room temperature
  • Body temperature
  • Slightly warmer than room temperature

Lastly, you choose how many ounces you’d like dispensed (between 2oz-10oz). Once you’ve set your bottle specifications, hit start and let the machine do all the work. 

Worried about which bottles you can use? Don’t sweat it, because this machine has an adjustable drip tray that accommodates virtually all bottles between 2oz to 10oz. The innovative funnel design also goes directly into the bottle, so you don’t need to worry about any liquid spills or splashes when the machine is dispensing.  

High-Tech Twist 

While the brewing of bottles is what makes this product so great, it’s the technology behind it that gives it an innovative edge that makes it a no-brainer purchase.  

Through the Wi-Fi function on the machine, you are able to use the Baby Brezza app to have full digital control over its settings via your phone/smart device. This includes inputting and saving four customized bottle settings, allowing you to change the temperature of each bottle, adjust the number of ounces being dispensed, and even start the brewing process with one simple touch of a matter where you are.  

The moment you wake up for a late-night feeding, simply hit the brewing button on your phone, pick up your baby, and by the time you walk over to your Brezza the bottle will be ready. Just like magic!

However, the app does even more than give you wireless control. The smart sensors on the machine will also notify you if there are any issues by sending an alert to your device (via app). For example, you will be notified if the water or formula tank are running low or if the bottle isn't placed on the drip tray. This allows you to make sure everything is in place before you head to bed or prior to any feeding sessions, when your hands will be full. The sensors also will not dispense milk unless a bottle has been placed on the drip tray, preventing you from having a sticky mess to clean up on those extra groggy nightly feedings.   

Final Verdict 

The Baby Brezza Formula Pro Advanced Wi-Fi is major time and effort saver for parents who bottle feed their children.  

Making a bottle doesn’t need to be time consuming and stressful or an art of balancing a bottle and fussy baby in each hand. The advanced technology integrated into this machine makes your life less challenging, by allowing you to customize your child’s bottle and brew right from your phone.

The power to make the perfect bottle instantly makes the Formula Pro Advanced Wi-Fi a great purchase for you and your child.

To learn more about Baby Brezza's exciting range of high-tech gear, be sure to read our dedicated line review.