Stokke Tripp Trapp² High Chair for Big Kids
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If you are looking for a high chair that is MORE than just a high chair, you’ve come to the right place to begin your research—enter the Stokke Tripp Trapp² Complete
You can learn more about the various Tripp Trapp² stages of use in this Product Review but today we are digging in specifically on stage 3 and how the Tripp Trapp² can grow with your little one from baby to big kid.

Ergonomic Seating Position
The Tripp Trapp² looks like a real chair and comes with an ergonomic footrest that keeps your child comfortable. You can adjust the footrest [and seat] to suit the size of your baby or big kid which means they will be just as comfortable eating mashed bananas as a baby as they will as a toddler chomping on a tortilla. The best part about this ergonomic seating position is that it keeps them sitting contently for longer no matter their age.
Customize With Cushions
Included with the purchase of your Stokke Tripp Trapp² Complete is a cushion to be used with your chair. Alternatively, you can purchase additional cushions separately to customize your chair based on the user. They are machine washable [easily wipeable] and can be changed to suit the age or stage of your little one. You can go with icon grey for a neutral look or switch the cushion out for hearts, rainbows, or robots to match your child's personality or bedroom. Speaking of your child's bedroom...

A Desk Chair
The multipurpose Tripp Trapp² Chair can be moved from the dining room to your child's room to be used as a desk chair. Smart, right? Now your child can use their chair for drawing, playing, computer games, and homework. If at-home learning taught us one thing it’s that your child needs their own space to concentrate and a “twirly chair” can be a big distraction. The Tripp Trapp² can be purchased as a chair only which is helpful when you are having a second child and your oldest doesn’t want to give up “their special chair”. If you are nodding your head in agreement then we suggest purchasing the Tripp Trapp² Chair as a standalone so that both babes can have a spot at the table.
300 LBS Weight Limit
The weight limit on the Tripp Trapp² is 300 lbs!
Which means your big kid can use this chair for year and years to come even as a big and tall basketball player in high school— the Tripp Trapp² will be able to handle the load.
PRO TIP: when the time comes, swap the footrest with the seat plate to accommodate a bigger bottom.
What Do You Think?
So, are you as obsessed with the Stokke Tripp Trapp² as we are?The Tripp Trapp² Complete comes with everything you need for babes first food journey— a tray, baby set, harness, etc.— but once your little one is more independent, or a second child comes along simply purchase the stand-alone Tripp Trapp² Chair.
Looking to do a little more research?
The Tripp Trapp is featured in our Top Highchairs along with the Stokke Clikk High Chair.
Happy Shopping!