Why Won't My Baby Nap?
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About 95% of the Good Night Sleep Site and Snuggle Bugz audience agrees that non-existent or short naps are a common sleep struggle for them.
If you want to increase the length and/or consistency of your baby’s naps, it’s important to understand what issues are standing in the way.
Here are four common obstacles that may contribute to the problem!
Lack of Consistency
At around 4 months of age, it’s important to start working on more of a consistent sleep schedule for naps and bedtimes. When we treat naps as options and have inconsistencies in timing, we end up working against your baby’s natural sleep rhythms, ultimately making it harder for your baby to fall asleep and consolidate their nap.
Lack of a sleep schedule also doesn’t provide nap time and bedtime cues that will help your baby accept sleep better when it’s time to go to bed.
On the Go + Bright Lights
At some point, you’ll notice your baby becomes less portable. If your baby is constantly sleeping on the go they are unable to get the deep and restorative sleep they need to remain well-rested. Even though they are sleeping in the car or stroller, they still could be accumulating a sleep debt, which will result in an overtired baby who fights sleep.
Practice a consistent sleep environment, one that is conducive to sleep. Darken up their nursery as best you can and make sure the temperature remains on the cool side – anywhere between 68-72F. Also, drown out external sounds that may wake them up by using a white noise machine that runs continuously throughout the nap. The use of a constant sound like nature or static will also help lull your baby into their next sleep cycle and consolidate their nap.
No Preparation for the Final Event
Babies, and even adults, need time to prepare for sleep. Our sleep switch doesn’t just turn off; we have to help it do so. Just like doing a bedtime routine for your little one, you can also do a short naptime routine where you are creating consistent activities to help prepare your baby to fall asleep.
All you need is 5 or 10 minutes prior to naptime to include activities like dimming the lights, changing their diapers, talking in soothing tones, and reading a book or singing a lullaby. Your baby will soon come to know that naptime is next and be better prepared to fall asleep a lot easier.
Ending the Naptime Before It’s Even Started
Don't assume your baby’s nap is over after only 20-30 minutes. If you go and get them as soon as they have woken, the only thing you are guaranteeing is that your baby isn’t getting enough sleep per nap. Don’t assume the nap is over.
While it takes time, your baby can lengthen their naptime but it’s up to you to allow them the opportunity to do so (even if you can manage waiting 5 minutes or 10 minutes) The longer you sit tight and allow your little one to practice falling back to sleep on their own, the quicker you will be able to consolidate those naps.
Keep At It
It takes time, so be patient. Naps won’t get fixed in a few days or even a week. It can take weeks before things are consistent, so take your time and keep taking steps forward.
You got this!