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Nuna SENA vs. SENA Aire Playard

Judith Little | | Comments 0

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Nuna is a leader in the baby industry for one simple reason…they make great products!

With their SENA line, they offer two playards that provide littles ones with a safe place to play— the Nuna SENA and the Nuna SENA Aire.

While these travel cribs look identical, they actually differ in a few substantial ways.

We get a lot of questions about these popular models, so we thought it would be fun to do a comparison to help you make the best choice for you and your growing family.

Toe to Toe

Sizing up the SENA and the SENA Aire, you can see just how close they are in both dimensions and weight:

  • Open Dimensions: 42.1” W x 28.9” D x 29.3” H 
  • Folded Dimensions: 13.4” W x 14.4” D x 33.7” H 
  • Weight (without bassinet): 21.4 lbs. 

  • Open Dimensions: 41.3" W x 29.5" D x 30.7" H 
  • Folded Dimensions: 13" W x 11" D x 31.5" H 
  • Weight (without bassinet): 22 lbs. 
Both are recommended for use from birth to 30 lbs. (15 kg) or 3 years of age.

Playard Mode is recommended for children that are unable to climb out unassisted, weigh up to 30 lbs., and are less than 35" tall.

Bassinet mode is recommended for use with babies that are unable to push up onto their hands and knees, up to 15 lbs.

Shared Features

The SENA and the SENA Aire have quite a lot in common:

Dual Modes: Both can be used as either a playard or a bassinet (via a removable bassinet attachment that’s included in the box). The bassinet allows infants to lay flat and is safer than allowing them to do so while in playard mode.

Premium Construction: Nuna designed the SENA series with a lightweight-but-sturdy aluminum chassis. The frame is also generously padded to keep your little one safe and comfortable while inside it.

Marvellous Mattress: Speaking of comfort, the included mattress pad is soft for baby while being supportive at the same time.

Certified Safe Fabrics: These playards use Oeko-Tex® fabrics and are GTOS certified to ensure there are no harmful manufacturing substances that your child could be exposed to.

Grippy Feet: Anti-slip feet are included to keep the playard from shifting while baby is moving or resting in it.

Deploy & Collapse: Both models deploy or collapse with one swift motion. As a bonus, you can even collapse the frame with the bassinet attached! Easy Travel: Taking the playard anywhere you go is simple with the included travel bag that helps fit it neatly in the trunk or backseat of any car.

Accessories: You can purchase any of the following add-ons if needed:

SENA Organic Cotton Sheet (included with the SENA Aire)
SENA Changer
SENA Insect Net
SENA Waterproof Mattress Cover

How They Differ

Mesh & Ventilation: Both have 360° mesh for excellent ventilation, but the SENA Aire’s triple-layer mesh is superior. It encompasses all 4 walls as well as the floor, while the SENA has basic mesh only on its walls.

Cotton Sheet: The Aire includes a fitted organic cotton sheet for extra comfort and cooling.

Mattress: The SENA has a quilted mattress, while the SENA Aire has a mesh mattress that moves heat away from babies so they stay nice and cool.

Mattress Cover: The SENA Aire includes a mattress cover that can be unzipped and removed for easy cleaning.

Collapsibility: Both models are designed with zig-zag legs that fold into themselves, resembling a “W” shape (think of it like a folding Muskoka chair). While they share this feature, the motion on the Aire is a bit more fluid, making it slightly easier for parents to pack.

And the Winner Is…

Nuna has made two amazing playards in their SENA and SENA Aire models.

The SENA Aire has a few improvements that make it the superior model — namely the triple-layer mesh walls and floor, a more comfortable mesh mattress and organic cotton sheet for regulating body temperature, and a slightly better collapsing system.

That being said, you’re also paying a bit more for the Aire’s features.

If money is no concern, we’d recommend grabbing the Aire, but if you’re looking for the best deal, the SENA is still an excellent playard that will help you go hands-free when needed.

Judith Little

Snuggle Mama

Boasting a background in Broadcast Journalism, Judith is a talented content creator and the vivacious host of the Snuggle Bugz “40 Weeks to Forever” podcast. Being the youngest of six kids, a busy family has always been at the core of her life — a tradition she continues as the proud mama of two energetic boys. Judith is a vital member of the Snuggle Bugz team, who passionately offers support, encouragement, and guidance to others navigating the adventure of parenthood.  


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