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Tommee Tippee USB Groclock Review

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Time certainly seems to fly when you have little ones. One day you’re changing diapers, and before you know it, you’re sending your bundle of joy off to college!

Of course, that’s the simplified version. Along the way, children have a lot to learn, including grasping the concept of time to begin with. We have all been there. It’s 5 a.m., you are clutching your coffee cup like it’s a life preserver while your toddler runs around like the energizer bunny.

While this experience is part of parenthood, a good sleep schedule can help keep it to a minimum — ensuring both parent and child are a whole lot happier.

Thankfully, Tommee Tippee is about to make your life a heck of a lot easier. Introducing the USB Groclock!

What Is the Groclock?

At first glance, the Groclock looks like a fun little alarm clock for kids, but it’s actually a sleep trainer. As children have no concept of time (and can’t tell time by reading an analog or digital clock), they have no idea when it’s time for sleep, or when it’s time for play.

The Groclock operates by training your child to recognize when they have to stay in their crib/bed, and when they can leave their room to begin a day of fun.

This device becomes invaluable over time, as most children experience bouts of sleep interruption at some point. Their go-to move of hopping into bed with mom and dad is fine on occasion, but may not be something you want to encourage every day. Studies have proven that co-sleeping with your children can lead them developing issues with anxiety, low self-esteem, and codependency, not to mention the safety issues when they are very young.

The Groclock will help your little one get used to spending time on their own, knowing they will be prompted when it’s time to get up.

Groclock at a Glance

  • Dimensions: 6.46" W x 8.82" H
  • Weight: 0.6 kg (1.3 lbs.)
  • Power: 3.5mm USB cable and adaptor plug (adaptor plug not included)
  • Display: Digital Display
  • Brightness: Adjustable
  • Includes Key Lock Feature
  • Includes Bedtime Storybook

The Groclock is a small, lightweight clock, weighing just over 1 pound. It has an illuminated display that changes images and can be adjusted for overall brightness. This clock requires a power outlet at all times (there is no battery option), and it includes a bedtime storybook to help children settle down when it’s time for bed.

How Does the Groclock Work?

The Groclock’s display changes depending on what time it is. During the day, it shows an awake owl with a happy and bright yellow backdrop. This picture lets kids know that they’re allowed out of bed.

When it's time for sleep, simply follow this three-step process:

  1. Set the alarm. This is easily done using the included instructions.

  2. Read the included bedtime story to your child. This explains to them how all the farm animals need to go to sleep so that they have energy for the next day.

  3. Press the enter button on the front of the unit to switch the clock from day to night mode (which begins the countdown).

Of note, you can set two wake-up times on the Groclock — one for a weekday morning, and one for a weekend morning or nap time.

When the clock is in night mode, an asleep owl with blue display gradually disappear, counting down how much time is left until the alarm goes off. If your child wakes up, they probably won’t understand that it’s 3 am, but they WILL be able to grasp that they still have seven stars left before the sun shows up and they can get out of bed.

Groclock Options

By default, the Groclock is set to silent, but you can select a bell alarm to ring, ensuring your child wakes up on time. When the display changes in the morning, it will stay illuminated for 1 hour before the clock transitions into power-saving mode.

Any time the clock isn’t in power-saving mode, the display brightness can be adjusted between 1 and 10. While the display can never be turned off 100%, the dim setting shouldn’t have any effect in keeping your little one up.

Does the Groclock Actually Work?

Of course, some parents feel that a device like the sleep trainer isn’t necessary. After all, they can just do it themselves!

Well, with kids, that’s usually easier said than done.

We’ll take this time to let you know the Groclock has sold over a million units, received 5-star reviews across the board, and is highly recommended by even skeptical parents who’ve used it to train their little ones.

That being said, the Groclock only works if you do.

It’s a training aid. Like any training device, you need to stick with it to see results. Some parents have reported it can take up to eight months to train your child to wake up at the proper time, so be patient and temper your expectations for the first few months.

Additionally, the Groclock comes with a key lock, which acts similarly to your smartphone’s screen lock feature. By locking the clock during sleep time, your little one can’t mess around with the settings if they get their hands on it.

tommee tippee

Timekeeper Sleep Trainer Alarm


tommee tippee

Groclock Sleep Trainer Alarm Clock & Nightlight


Final Thoughts

To sum it up, the Groclock is a great investment. It’s a wonderful device that effortlessly trains your child to recognize when it’s time to visit Mr. Sandman, and when it’s time to start their day. By getting them on a predictable schedule, both parent and child will enjoy a more restful and restorative sleep, which translates to more enjoyable time spent together.